Web hosting, a home for your site Now that your information is ready to go online, you must provide a "home" for it. Once your new site is completed why not let us host the site on our server. We will provide a "one stop" solution for your Internet presence. Web Hosting is 20.00 per month
Once your site is established and you have a great looking web page, what else do you need? What if no one ever finds your site online? Not to worry! We can recommend someone that does web positioning
Now you're thinking, "Custom design! WEB hosting? That will cost a fortune!" Yes we do custom designs, graphics, logos, brochures, etc. However, you will find that PegasusWeb offers the highest quality service and the very best value for your advertising dollar!
Our services include:
Web page design $50.00 Per Hour
Web site maintenance $50.00 Per Hour
Site hosting $75.00 Quarterly
Logo design Starting at $400.00
Custom brochures $50.00 Per Hour
Unlimited E-mail address's
Internet research $55.00 Per Hour
Merchant Accounts
E-Commerce Solutions